Friday, September 19, 2008

"Money Matters"

In the New York Times, an article named "How Much Can the Government Afford?" was posted yesterday, the 18th of September. Written by Catherine Rampell, the article refers to the nation's "Credit Limit" and explains how our nation's pocketbook works. In the article, a bank consultant by the name of Burt Ely says, "The 'U.S.A. national credit card' does not have a spending limit." By that, he means that our country can spend all the money it wants. At the same time, however, Dwight Jaffee of the school of business at the University of California, says that our government cannot run bankrupt because the treasury can print more money, if needed, and inject it into circulation, however at this point, hyperinflation is the greatest threat. Unfortunately, this article is very short and may not be much more interesting if read after this, because my summery is actually the bulk of the article. Nevertheless, the subject matter of the article is something I wish everyone to invest their time into, becuase our government's debt is something to be very, very concerned with.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The man behind the blog.

My name is Thomas Adkins, I'm a 1st semester student at Austin Community College and I am taking this God-forsaken course named Government. Whoa Nelly, I know. First of all, politics is most definitely not an interest of mine. I'm sorry, I believe politics is interesting in the way it works and everything, but when it comes right down to it, I honestly don't care who is elected to "run" this country, so long as wars are not started for no reason and we are not plummeted into recession because of someone's mistake. (Both of those are also covered with checks and balances our government has bestowed upon us.) The point is, there are two things that you will not catch me taking part in during a conversation, religion and politics.

I come from what some call a "military family," however I consider it to be normal. My grandfathers were both in our nation's military, served honorably, and raised their children to serve their country. My parents served in the US Air Force, along with most of their brothers/my uncles, and they believed that it was my right to decide whether I will join or not when I became of age. My decision to join the military was influenced by the many stories and conversations I heard from all members of my family who served and that has become the basis of my life's purpose, to follow in their shoes and do my duty to my country. My father was given two choices as he became an adult, and they were to either go to college or enlist, so my father enlisted. He says it was the best decision he ever made, however he wished he decided education before enlisting, because he would have been an Officer and created a career from there. That decision dramatically influenced mine, and so that's my goal as of now.

Coming from "a military family," I have developed similar views towards politics. I am not liberal, but very conservative. I do not know much more than that...I don't believe the war in Iraq is pointless and I strongly believe that pulling out at any time before the issue is resolved is most definitely the WORST decision the United States Government could make, ever! I understand people's POV, however I have my opinions. The extent of my views on politics was made clear to me last year, during an exercise in my Government course at Leander HS, where I learned that I am "far right." I'm some sort of extremist, my teacher put it. I have not had much experience at all with politics, I have never voted, nor participated in any sort of campaign, all I have is the meager knowledge I posess about our government and the way it operates today.

I am taking this course in order to complete the necessary credits towards my degree, and also to learn more about politics in the process. I believe it is important for everyone to know what is going on in the world and to have accurate and correct opinions on certain subjects. Even though I do not discuss politics much at all, I have still been caught in conversation with people who do not know what the hell is going on, and yet they argue their opinions like no other! My goal in taking this course is to stray far from ever becoming that person.