Friday, September 19, 2008

"Money Matters"

In the New York Times, an article named "How Much Can the Government Afford?" was posted yesterday, the 18th of September. Written by Catherine Rampell, the article refers to the nation's "Credit Limit" and explains how our nation's pocketbook works. In the article, a bank consultant by the name of Burt Ely says, "The 'U.S.A. national credit card' does not have a spending limit." By that, he means that our country can spend all the money it wants. At the same time, however, Dwight Jaffee of the school of business at the University of California, says that our government cannot run bankrupt because the treasury can print more money, if needed, and inject it into circulation, however at this point, hyperinflation is the greatest threat. Unfortunately, this article is very short and may not be much more interesting if read after this, because my summery is actually the bulk of the article. Nevertheless, the subject matter of the article is something I wish everyone to invest their time into, becuase our government's debt is something to be very, very concerned with.

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