Friday, October 31, 2008

"Get off my dick!"

Please excuse the title as I thought it was necessary for this blog entry. The phrase comes from a good friend of mine who I went to high school and played tennis with who would say these words to whomever would get in his business and would not leave him be. Used strictly for comic relief of stress on the court, the phrase became widely used between the fellas and I, and so I use the phrase in reference to our National Government in the sense that they are way into our business and need to lay off. Like a pair of stingy parents, our government heavily snoops into our lives and plays a much larger role than to protect and serve the people. It is my belief that our government's only purpose is to play a much similar role as our local police authorities, where they (should) merely patrol our homeland, keeping the crooks and thieves in order and protecting the commonwealth, and to serve the people as needed. "To protect and serve." Sound familiar? This viewpoint of mine has become known as being very conservative, which I must say should be the viewpoint of all "Americans," and I leave it to this reason alone. I ask you, how many of you (as children and/or adolescences) grew up wanting to live your lives with little to no interference/help/assistance/whatever-you-may-call-it from your folks and request that they merely provide you with the two basic levels of needs(based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs), which are your basic life needs(clean air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, etc.) and your safety needs(protection, security, limits, stability, etc.)? If you are like myself then you will realize that our national government should play a very similar role in our lives as we do with our parents. I'm sorry if it has to be a "conservative viewpoint," but I honestly don't give a shit. Sorry.

Right now, the way I see it, there are too many needy and dependant people in MY country that don't know how to survive in life if they don't get their Welfare check in the mail next Monday. (Yes, that is an example) OUR government needs to lay off, let US deal with the day-to-day bullshit, make YOU get off your lazy ass and get a job(how about hire you, make you a government employee, eh?), and stop being so G*D Damn generous by shovelling millions of dollars into the "Daddy's little girls" who get what they want whenever they ask, I say fuck that shit! If you agree with me when I say our government should be opperating more efficiently, then DO NOT accept the money if you DON'T NEED IT!!! Get a job!!! I'm Thomas Adkins and that's what really grinds my gears! - Courtesy of Peter Griffin the Family Guy.

"Here's a Thought:" Do you realize how many metaphors you can come up with by comparing our government to parents? Daddy's little girls? Simply genious!

(If you subtract that last little scribble of words, you'll have yourself just under 500 words.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Go Joe - That's what's up!

Hell ya - that's all I have to say. I agree, 110%: Why should people who are successful and make fat cash be charged more taxes than everyone else?! Let's look at it from another perspective here - my mother says "with more money comes more bills." True? I think yes. Everyone has an average set income, no matter how much variability there is, and everyone sets room aside for the bills and savings, flat out. The remainder is what is left to be spent, correct? Okay, now, if you only have so many bills to pay and are saving a steady amount and you still have a fat chunk of change to be spent, won't you spend it? YES! The only difference between you and the guy making 6 figures is how many bills you have, guaranteed. How would you feel if your taxes were raised, that's how they feel, and it won't be long until Joe is right, again, and our precious government lowers the bar a little closer to your income level.

This article here discusses McCain's position on Obama's raising taxes and how he refers to "Joe The Plumber." I learned more about Joe here. I do have an argument though against Mr. McCain - Why would you attempt to call out Obama on tax raising and bring in Joe to the fight when he doesn't fall under Obama's proposal? Instead of bashing the proposal itself, why not bring it up as "the middle class POV?"

This article briefly runs through the mix with few references. It's directed toward the general public, mainly middle/lower classes as news from a fellow American's point of view. I cannot agree with anything the article itself has to offer, however I can agree with Joe, who is part of the article. I believe in his opinion and agree, like I said, 110%. I understand taxes, it's necessary and must be done, that I do not mind, but leave it as it is, don't make me pay any more than is needed when money can be drawn from other places, like McCain's proposal on cutting certain funds. "Um, yes please!" Don't touch my money!

I am Thomas Adkins, and I approved this message.