Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Colleague Critic: Numero Uno

Well said my friend. Hypocrisy is a problem no matter where it is, and here is where it's worst. Even in our everyday lives we meet people who are ignorant and are hypocrites because their actions do not follow their words, and if you can imagine what sort of problem this will cause if we have hypocrites running our country, holy shit, man. Game over. We're screwed.

First off, I'd like to point out a couple flaws I have seen in people's ideology in voting for Sen. Obama. For one, few people I've asked mentioned that they would like to see a black man as president, so they voted for him(I'm assuming since they said they would). Another couple reasons some say they voted for Obama is because he seems like a nice guy, he knows what he's talking about(which is absurd to say; maybe everything he says is total BS, who knows?), he's younger; the list goes on. Basically, everything that I've heard outside of factuall evidence backing their decision, is so dumb, it's amazing. Why in the hell would you vote for a man to run our country because of his race or age, or better yet, because he speaks better?! The point of our elections is to place the better man in position. Obviously, our forefathers did not foresee the American public as being so politically retarded that we vote like children in a candy store, "Ooh, that one looks nice, I'll take it. :D"

Many of the poeple I asked who they were voting for, or who they did vote for, they were hypocrits, and I honestly wanted to bitch slap each and every one of them. Whether or not my arguements were correct, I strongly suggested that they base their decision on the possible futures between the two. My arguement against Obama was about the second economic stimulus package. I said hell no to it, becuase more money given to me now means more money I have to pay back. TINSTAAFL. If you know what this phrase means then I applaud you. If you don't know the phrase in its abbreviated form, here it is. "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Live by it.

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