Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Political Rampage #2

Here we go again fellas. Another chance to ramble on about our government's flaws. I'm excited, how about you? :D

Okay, so this time I'm going to talk about the "war" in Iraq. Actually the war against world terrorism, mostly focused in the middle eastern countries(Iraq especially), the war in Iraq has been a long and drug out plan to retake the countries of Iraq and Iran from the rule of terrorist cells. I read an article somewhere that spoke of Congress' main objectives in the war. I believe there were 9 main objectives, but there could have been as many as matter. There was a set number of goals our government had laid out to be accomplished and after so many years, there hasn't been any results. I'm not sure who is at fault for our lack of progress, but I know for a fact that it is not our military leaders, it is, however, those whom they take orders from. Our military is one of the most highly trained in the world, and is armed with the most advanced weapons known to mankind. The guns are fine, the soldiers are must be the guys telling them what and when to open fire. Our leaders are not the brightest people in the art of warfare, because we could have had this war over and done with years ago. Now, however, we have a new leader who will step in fairly quickly and will most likely fuck everything up. We went there for a reason, we had a set number of reasons and goals to accomplish. Did we get the job done(all goals achieved)? Not why the hell should we pull out?! When you get in bed, you don't get out until the job is done, eh pops?

I've got an opinion on what will happen if we get out of Dodge. I think that once we get out, the governments we fought for to regain control will not yet be stable enough to support themselves from future attacks, and they will be overtaken, and now we will have another foe on our hands. Plus, who's to say that once we get all the terrorists and whatnot out of the land, that they won't just come back to reclaim what they say is rightfully theirs, eh? I think it's nothing but more trouble if we get out. I say stay in and get it done. Don't fuck it up either.

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